Hi everyone!
Today was yoga. It was a very long workout, but I got through it. What was tough for me today was the fact that I am still really sore from Plyometrics!! Trying to stay calm when your muscles are aching so bad is not easy!! I was able to do all of the exercises in the first half. The ones where you go to plank, then to downward dog, and runners pose and all that stuff. When it came to the balance posture holds, I had a hard time here. I was able to do some of the easier ones, but I couldn’t get the one where you basically balance upside down on your hands. Of course I was able to get through the stretches at the end with no problem. I think next thursday I will do better if I’m not as sore!
Still sticking to the diet plan. I had 3 egg whites with low fat cheese and plain hot tea this morning. I had a cup of tomato soup for lunch and I didn’t get around to my snacks yet, but I feeling kinda hungry so I think I will have some cottage cheese and fruit when I am done with this post. For dinner, I am planing on having grilled chicken with some veggies and one cup of brown rice. I’ll also get in a protein bar in sometime later.
I took the day off of work today because my fiance had an appointment, so besides running after my son and picking my daughter up from school, I got some cleaning in to prevent myself from being a couch potato! We all know what that leads to…….junk food! Can’t have any of that!
Be back tomorrow!