Sunday, July 11, 2010

p90x day 2

Day 2 is in the books!

I read that some people call Plyometrics "The Beast", that name is deserved.

I got up early today and had a Protein Shake with Skim Milk and a banana. I then had my SuperPump 250 pre-workout drink and planned out my entire week for my job. I was pretty sore from yesterdays workout but I was still pumped to get started.

I then went upstairs to do my workout. I was tired after the 8-minute warm-up! This was not good!

Plyometrics was a beast and I may have sweat more in those 58 minutes than I ever had in my life. You probably could have rung two cups of sweat from my clothes -- it was that intense. But, I made it through and really had to push for the last 10 minutes. I felt a small ting of pride when I finished.

Today was my first day doing this program that I had to also work. I am an outside sales rep and basically live in my car. I do not have a normal nine-to-five type of job that has scheduled breaks. I skip alot of lunches and end up eating fast food because of time constraints.

So, today I packed a cooler with bottled waters, protein bars and a chef salad. I was able to eat all these while driving between appointments at my scheduled times. It was actually cool to have everything in a cooler in my back seat. Felt a little like camping. Except without the woods or a tent or...okay maybe it wasn't anything like camping but I still enjoyed it. I am going to get used to this new style of eating in no time!

I am off to grill some Swordfish for my last meal of the day. Tomorrow is Arms and Shoulders - should be fun since both are already sore as hell.